GARTTER+ Garment Accessories >  Ribbon Tape Cord > 'GART-6423 RAYON LAMÉ BRAID '

Ribbon Tape Cord - GART-6423 RAYON LAMÉ BRAID


GARTTER+ Garment Accessories OEM/ODM Ribbon Tape Cord wholesale price agency please contact us --- 2025-2026 AAAAA Ribbon Tape Cord manufacturers Recruitment of global agents.

GARTTER+ Garment Accessories Ribbon Tape Cord GART-6423 RAYON LAMÉ BRAID description:
GART-6423 RAYON LAMÈ BRAID 6mm Rayon - 90% Yarn Dyeing ROLL:30m Size information is just for reference. The actual sample of GART-6422, GART-6423, GART-6424, GART-6425 and GART-6426 are attached to the sample book.

Ribbon Tape Cord manufacturer Ribbon Tape Cord factory in Shenzhen Guangdong Canton Foshan Dongguan Panyu Shunde Zhongshan Huizhou China.
+ + China GARTTER+ Garment AccessoriesRibbon Tape Cord Produce / Supply / Supplier / Factory / Manufacturer / Exporter / Export /

was price: USD1.0
Wholesale price: USD0.8
Discount price: USD0.8
Discount: 20%

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